Our Materials
Centered around the robust and adaptable nature of concrete, our product range is tailor-made for commercial and residential applications alike - a go-to solution for architects and designers looking for stylish planter boxes, chic outdoor furnishings, intricate balustrades,and cornices, alongside artistic sculptural works.
Made Full Process

About GFRC
GFRC stands for GlassFiber Reinforced Concrete.
It's a composite material made of cement, fine aggregate, water, and alkali-resistant glassfibers. These fibers serve to reinforce the concrete, much like rebar does in traditional concrete. GFRC is known for its strength, durability, and versatility in design.
Advantages of Concrete
Eco-Friendly Choice
Concrete products made of natural materials, water-based inorganic biodegradable, belonging to a low-carbon environmental protection products. Our concrete technique offers a sustainable alternative to conventional methods. Its superior flexural strength enables thinner yet sturdier constructions, resulting in reduced material usage, minimal waste, and the absence of harmful by products.
Strong Durability
Concrete products able to withstand the impact and erosion brought about by natural factors such as time and weather. While the concrete may marks over time, this gracefully contributes to its individuality and charm.
Strong Waterproof
Concrete products with high waterproof performance. The strong water resistance of concrete furniture makes it a practical choice for various applications, including outdoor patio furniture, garden ornaments, countertops, sinks, and decorative pieces.
Low Shrinkage and Expansion Rate
Ensure that the product deformation rate is low. We strike a delicate balance that resonates with discerning clientele, ensuring every piece is not only utilitarian but also designed to last.

The main materials of the products is concrete.
1.The main materials of the products is concrete.
2.High-alumina composite high-strength concrete, the main components of alumina and silicate, a small amount of calcium oxide, magnesium oxide and iron oxide (the latter three materials for cement coloring).
3.Calcium carbonate sand.
4.Alkali-resistant GlassFibers: These fibers are the key component that sets GFRC apart from traditional concrete. The fibers are usually made of a special type of glass that is resistant to the alkali present in concrete. These fibers are added to the mix to reinforce the concrete, making it stronger and more durable.

Product processing flow
1.Product mold making.
2.Paint the first layer of cement mortar (surface mortar) in the mold by hand.
3.Spreading connecting slurry (thin slurry).
4.Spreading appropriate amount of reinforced fiber on the connecting slurry.
5.Spreading mortar on the fiber filament, so that the concrete paste and fiber fully adhered to.
6.To be compacted before the concrete is first set and polished.
7.Products to be dry after sanding, repair, to ensure that the product is smooth, smooth.
After the product is repaired, spray outdoor water-based varnish, the product is finished.